Change Log PrinterShare v.1.4.0 ----------------------------- - Changed status bar icon to dock icon PrinterShare v.1.3.0 ----------------------------- - Direct printing from mobile devices - OSX Yosemite support PrinterShare v.1.2.4 ----------------------------- - Fixed: Empty selection dropdown in Automation - Fixed: Printing module crashing trying to print on MacOS 10.7 - Fixed: Incorrect bitmap generation on MacOS 10.7 (blank page on Windows) PrinterShare v.1.2.3 ----------------------------- - Fixed: Incorrect version number and update check PrinterShare v.1.2.2 ----------------------------- - Fixed: No warning about free pages when printing from premium PrinterShare v.1.2.1 ----------------------------- - Fixed: Show/Hide in menu - Fixed: Sender was not displayed in Incoming and Permissions - Permissions renamed to Automation - Free pages renamed to Page limit - Receiver spends pages instead of sender - Additional notification window for incoming documents PrinterShare v.1.2.0 ----------------------------- - Replaced advertisement with "free pages" PrinterShare v.1.1.5 ----------------------------- - Fixed: Configure Printer was not working after registration PrinterShare v.1.1.4 ----------------------------- - Fixed: Could not remove incompatible printer - Fixed: Incorrect properties for local printers - "Forgot my password" button PrinterShare v.1.1.3 ----------------------------- - Restarting application when installed - Changed search field in "Search Printers" - Italian locale provided by Costantino Vita PrinterShare v.1.1.2 ----------------------------- - Updating shared printers to reflect new features - Option to disable displaying delivery result - Displaying unsupported printers PrinterShare v.1.1.1 ----------------------------- - Fixed: Unavailable encryption options not disabled - Support for MacOS 10.6 PrinterShare v.1.1.0 ----------------------------- - Fixed: Window appears behind others when started from Dock - Fixed: Hide/Show menu items not disabled with state changes - Direct print (sending mode) - Localizations - Encryption and notification options in printer configuration PrinterShare v.1.0.0 ----------------------------- - Sending component completed - Status icon used instead of menu - Options to open at login and automate local printers handling - "Try again" message when failed to login - Bugfixes in receiving and printing documents PrinterShare v.0.4.0 ----------------------------- - Printing component partially rewritten PrinterShare v.0.3.1 ----------------------------- - Fixed: Copy/paste was not working - Fixed: Incorrect results in Find Printers - Tables perform default action on double-click - Improved Find Printers and Incoming Documents PrinterShare v.0.3.0 ----------------------------- Console completely rewritten PrinterShare v.0.2.0 ----------------------------- Installer rewritten (previous installer could break file permissions) JPEG/PNG format supported PrinterShare v.0.1.30 ----------------------------- * Fix: Hidden printers bug fixed PrinterShare v.0.1.28 ----------------------------- * Fix: PPD generation bugs fixed * New: Console implemented PrinterShare v.0.0.20 ----------------------------- * Fix: Fixed bug with test page printing * Fix: Config file is now world-writable PrinterShare v.0.0.19 ----------------------------- * Fix: Fixed bug in PPD generation making PrinterShare to send jobs to the wrong printer